Ian Davidson, then president of ACOFS (Australian Council of Film Societies), sent SAFFS the following letter, supporting the establishment of the South Australian Federation of Film Societies …
Sent to the Inaugural President of SAFFS, Bill Biscoe (Barossa Film Club)
Hi Bill,
Would you please pass on our best wishes from ACOFS for the meeting on 19th June 2016 when you and the other SA film societies are contemplating the formation of a SA Film Federation.
ACOFS is very much in favour of every state and territory forming their own self-supporting film federation and welcomes this move by the SA film societies towards independence from Victoria. While we have been in agreement with Victoria’s generous support of the SA societies over several years, it would be very rewarding to see a SA federation formed at the proposed meeting.
While it is a strong preference that all film societies belong to the State federation in their own State, (if one exists) ACOFS does recognise that in some instances film societies that are near a state border may have stronger ties to a nearby State and will accept exceptions to “the rule”. One case in point is the Deniliquin Film Society, who have become members of the Victoria Federation. Most of Deniliquin’s business is with Victoria and even their telephone prefix is Victorian.
Our appreciation also goes out to Prodos Marinakis, who has proven very helpful and supportive by setting up websites, drafting constitutions, logos and so forth for both new and existing Film Federations and Film Societies.
While your draft constitution does allow the appointment of one person to up to two executive positions, I urge you as far as possible to stay with one position per person, for two reasons. Firstly, it spreads the workload, and secondly it makes life easier when it comes to succession planning.
Good luck for your meeting on the 19th.
Ian Davidson
President, ACOFS